mm te la poso sencera, vier, ja que ets tan perro per buscar por ahi algo del Hank..
love, he said, gas kiss me off kiss my lips kiss my hair my fingers my eyes my brain make me forget
love, he said, gas he had a room on the 3rd floor, rejected by a dozen women 35 editors and half a dozen hiring agencies, now I'm not saying he was any good
he turned on all the jets without lighting them and went to bed
some hours later a guy on his way room 309 lit a cigar in the hall
and a sofa flew out the window one wall shivered down like wet sand a purple flame waved 40 feet high in the air
the guy in bed didn't know or care but I'd have to say he was pretty good that day.
Tinc els tres llibres de poesia de Bukwoski q he trobat ben a mà.. l'havia perdut dins l'inmensitat del recull "Arder en el agua, ahogarse en el fuego" però l'he trobat fàcilment per l'ïndex (és la única poesia que conté la paraula "amor" XD)
12 comentaris:
“Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live”
Bukowski és el millor :)
aquesta també la tenia entre les meues prefes.
"it was a splendid day in Spring
and outside we could hear the birds
that hadn't been killed
by the smog"
O aquella de prueba a arrancar una flor del jardín de tu vecino..
tu quieteta amb el gas, eh. Q amb aixó no si juga! Encara recordo Irina Palm, em va agradar. :P bexitos.
déjà amb lo car que em surten els gastos a casa, passo de gas XD buscaria algo més barat!
Irina Palm... foradets foradets!
El poema em sembla totalment apropiat per a la lletra d'una cançó de rock.
mm te la poso sencera, vier, ja que ets tan perro per buscar por ahi algo del Hank..
love, he said, gas
kiss me off
kiss my lips
kiss my hair
my fingers
my eyes my brain
make me forget
love, he said, gas
he had a room on the 3rd floor,
rejected by a dozen women
35 editors
and half a dozen hiring agencies,
now I'm not saying he was any
he turned on all the jets
without lighting them
and went to bed
some hours later a guy on his
way room 309
lit a cigar in the
and a sofa flew out the window
one wall shivered down like wet sand
a purple flame waved 40 feet high in the air
the guy in bed
didn't know or care
but I'd have to say
he was pretty good
that day.
L'havia buscada, però sense èxit. Tu l'has trobada o tenies el text a mà?
M'ha agradat :)
Tinc els tres llibres de poesia de Bukwoski q he trobat ben a mà.. l'havia perdut dins l'inmensitat del recull "Arder en el agua, ahogarse en el fuego" però l'he trobat fàcilment per l'ïndex (és la única poesia que conté la paraula "amor" XD)
salut :)
barfly és pura poesia també :)
rinxolets I don't know barfly..
és una peli, guió escrit per bukowski, Chinaski is the main character :)
no ho sabia!
la buscaré..
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